Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we do this?
Tara's journey with her rental property and goats has been quite an adventure! It all started when her renters wanted to set up an area for goats on her 10 acres of land. When they had to move back to the city, Tara decided to keep the goats and discovered a new passion for hiking with them in 2022. As they hit the trails, the community's enthusiasm grew, with people loving the interaction with the goats and the serene walks in nature. This led Tara to start a side business offering goat hiking experiences, which quickly gained popularity. Eventually, the demand expanded to include goat yoga, events at bars, birthday parties, weddings, and even charity auctions. The business flourished, with the goats thriving in the attention and companionship they received. Tara's goats, raised to be extremely friendly from a young age, are always a hit at events, bringing joy to everyone involved. So come on out, join us for an event, and meet our fat and happy goats - guaranteed no head-butting of humans here!
Do we breed our goats for Goat Yoga?
We bring in male goats that are looking for rehoming, and give them a cozy home filled with love and adventure. The wethers and bucks are generally less desirable to others, but we love them!
Once they settle in, they join our events, hiking, and even weed-eating programs—who knew goats could be such great helpers?
We also breed a few goats each year to support our growing family and provide for the little ones we bring in from other farms. Every goat has a story, and we’re proud to help them thrive.
Do we offer fundraising events?
At Guided Goat Hikes, we are thrilled to provide fundraising opportunities. Over the last year we have proudly donated hikes and baby goat yoga tickets to numerous elementary school auctions, the Evergreen Audubon, and Embrace Mercy. If you are considering requesting a donation, we encourage you to contact us at without any hesitation. We are always eager to support meaningful causes and initiatives. Please fill in a general inquiry form below.
Can we take rescue goats?
Yes! As long as we are not at max capacity, there are certain situations where we will take rescues goats. If you are looking to relinquish your goats, they must be CAE and Johes tested for the protection of our herd. Vaccinations can be done when the goat arrives. Please fill in a general inquiry form below.
Do we volunteer at events?
We are always looking to Volunteer for 501c3 programs or programs that align with our views (i.e. children’s organizations, outdoor organizations, and animal organizations). Please inquire below. :)
Right now, we actively volunteer at Staunton State Park for their Trail Tots program.
Why do we disbud our goats?
These goats live in fields with fencing and while they do roam 10 acres, they can still have accidents in fencing, goat playgrounds, and with kiddos from their horns. As a goat grows, their horns connect to their nasal cavity. Should a horn break off, this can cause serious injury and even death. We are part of several emergency pages and the amount of people who post broken horns (from the aforementioned) is concerning. While many people do the procedure themselves, at home, we prefer to have them sedated and have the vet do it. Goats ARE NOT born with horns. Rather, the vet prevents them from growing. Additionally the American Dairy Goat Association and 4-H typically do not allow horns for safety of the people and goats. We are aware that this is very controversial and have not taken our decision lightly. There are goats on our property that have horns; however, these were goats that were given to us.
What if a goat doesn't want to work?
Our goats who do yoga, events, and hiking only do these activities if they seem excited about it. I strongly encourage you to check out our instagram videos to see how we operate insta: If a goat is indifferent or resistant, we pull them from the program.
Do we offer appropriate care?
We LOVE when people visit our farm to see how our farm operates.
Located on ten acres in Conifer, Colorado, our property strictly enforces a limit of 40 goats to ensure optimal care and attention for each animal. Every goat undergoes annual testing for CAE and Johnes diseases, in addition to receiving their CD&T vaccine, which acts as their tetanus shot. While we do these blood draws and vaccines on our own, our vet comes out annually to do an analysis on our herd.
To maintain the pristine condition of our fields, we have a team of 50 diligent chickens that expertly sift through the dirt, picking out any hidden treasures and ensuring that our surroundings remain impeccably clean. Our commitment to the well-being and health of our goaties is reflected in the meticulous care and attention to detail that we provide on our property.
*we also have a tractor that we use to drag the fields to turn up dirt and encourage new growth*
Let’s work together
Want us to volunteer or assist with some additional fundraising efforts? Inquire here!